Tag Archives: Richmond

Let Go of the Following Myths and Enjoy Waxing!

Waxing is undoubtedly the best and the most affordable way to get rid of the bodily hair for several weeks. These days, it is quite common to see that even men go for it. At places like Kingston, people often visit the spa centres that provide manicure, pedicure as well as different hair removal facilities for the customers.


In spite of it being such a well-accepted method, people carry certain misconceptions when it comes to getting their hair waxed. Know what they are and get over them soon:

Hair regrowth will be thick and rough:

This is a huge myth. In fact, when you choose to get your hair waxed, the hair that grows back will be softer and lesser in quantity. If you get it done regularly, the hair growth will get lesser with each time. So if you hear anyone say that the growth of hair will be thick and rough, do not believe them. In the Richmond area of the UK, women go for manicure post hand wax to get a smoother, shinier skin.

You will suffer from skin irritation:

This actually depends on the kind of skin that you have. Supposing your skin is too sensitive, you can try removing a certain patch of hair. If the redness sti;; shows, you can avoid it. It is better to get a professional help when it comes to getting your hair waxed as they are aware of the right methods and the type of skin. If redness shows up, they also use herbal lotions to provide you with relief post waxing.

Your skin will change the colour:

Completely wrong. Wax never causes your skin to tan. It is just the sun that affects your skin and makes it darker. A wax treatment will remove the dead cells of your skin and make the tone of your skin better than what it is. The experts from spa centres in Richmond advise that if you are in two minds, you can apply a sun screen lotion few hours before hair removal treatments.

Need a good manicure? See how the spa salons in Kingston do it!

Benefits of Waxing Over Other Methods of Hair Removal!

Waxing has probably been one of the best methods to get rid of unwanted facial hair for years together now. There are several parlours and spa centres based in Kingston, UK that offer these services.


You might have come across several methods and products that might have claimed to be the best for getting rid of unwanted hair but choosing to wax off your hair is beneficial due to several reasons.

Know why it is beneficial:

Good with small and large areas:

Removing with wax is advisable as it can help you get rid of small as well as large areas. However, if you do not know the right way to wax it off, it can damage your skin. So make sure you visit a professional in Richmond and he/she uses a good quality material to remove your hair. After getting your hands waxed, finish it off with a nice manicure. They will look great!

Consistent with any hair colour and texture:

When it comes to hair removal techniques other than waxing, all of them might not be effective as it depends on the colour and type of your skin hair. However, by using wax, one can remove any shade and consistency of hair. It will also work on the thick as well as thin hair. Make sure you visit a good salon in Kingston to get it done rightly.

With the above ones and several other benefits, waxing is the method loved by most of the women. Get a good manicure and eye-brow shaving from a salon at Richmond now!

Supercharge Your Body and Mind by Getting Reflexology Treatment in Kingston!

It is said that Reflexology originated from China. But regardless of its origin, it has received high popularity amongst the public for its ability to relieve stress and pain in an easy way. Salons in Kingston-UK give a specialized treatment of this therapy to clients. Therapists opine that this treatment relieves the nervous system stimulating the body to heal itself.

Interestingly, Reflexology does not defy other models of treatment, but instead works together to heal and improve the body. It balances the life force of the human body in a subtle way. Before starting the treatment, any therapist in Richmond, Kingston or across the UK will inquire about the patient’s lifestyle and diet to administer better treatment.

Reflexology therapy

Short sessions

This duration for this therapy is only 45 minutes to an hour. An individual may need only five to six sessions to treat a health issue while others may need only four sessions. The main focus is working with various reflex zones of the body and applying pressure to release the stored tension stress and negative body energy at a quick go. The body then initiates self healing by itself as blood circulation, immunity power and skin tone gets improved drastically.

Body Benefits

This wonderful healing technique is also known to heal back-ache, body pain, digestion issue, asthma, headache, stress and the reproductive systems as well for a woman. Under a medical supervision, pregnant woman will also benefit from Reflexology.

Positive results

To back up these effects, an independent Israeli survey concluded from study of 71 patients that their sensory, motor and urinary issues improved significantly after only 4 months of this treatment. The doctors in Richmond are elated to see the positive results of the treatment.

Contact a therapist for reflexology in Kingston at earliest if you suffer from daily work stress.